David Repyak

David Repyak – Artist Educator – 206-790-8577, shineartacademy@gmail.com

Website: SHINEartacademy.com

For Northwest artist David Repyak, art and life are all about relationship. “Struck at an early age by the beauty and power of the natural world.” David has spent this last year creating a new collection of landscape oil paintings of the ferry system and the Seattle skyline, drawing on a lifetime of influence from the natural world and his connections to it. David, who earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts from Syracuse University in Syracuse, N.Y., S.U. London Center, and his K-8 teaching certification from University of Washington, is a Montessori classroom teacher, an art teacher and an artist. He is founder and program director of SHINEartacademy.com, has studied with members of the American Watercolor Society and with professional artists from Gage Academy. David finds his inspiration in nature, and in collaboration with other artists. He has been a lead Elementary Teacher and Artist Educator with Washington elementary schools for the past decade.

Click on an image to see David’s artwork.