Tag Archives: demo

Ingrid Amirault demo on the Right Side of the Brain

On October 16, Ingrid gave a demo and a tutorial on how to draw with the right side of the brain. The right side of the brain is where our creativity, intuition, and imagination reside. Ingrid gave us several exercises to help us utilize our creative side when drawing.

Ingrid (left) explains how she composed the shapes in her painting.

Ingrid and the upside-down table she used as a drawing challenge.

An example of drawing the negative space of the table

February Concertina Sketchbook

For the Third Wednesday of the Month Program, On February 21st, PAL Board Secretary Judy Guttormsen demonstrated how to “Make Your Own Concertina Sketchbook”.

A concertina sketchbook is a sketchbook that is bound in a non-traditional way so that there is effectively just one long page that is folded like an accordion into a sketchbook size. They can be enjoyed as one long work of art or they can be paged through like a traditional sketchbook.

Judy did a wonderful job of demonstrating and it was a lot of fun. Members shared papers, and other supplies to create their own sketchbooks to take home.